Happy GSD! Behold the updates!
Hopefully you’re heading out to your local skatepark, since we have those now, or down to SeaSk8 at 2pm to celebrate GSD with your friends.
While we’re out celebrating our favorite sport by actually skateboarding, here are some recent updates on new skatepark construction in Seattle:
- Roxhill is live on the city’s bid system starting today and bids are due on July 11th.
- Judkins will be posted by Friday and it will bid July 18th.
- Northgate (Hubbard Homestead) is in the final stage of documentation approval and is going out to bid “soon”.
- Jefferson Park’s official grand opening party will be a part of the Jefferson Park Jubilee celebration on July 14th.  SLAG and Marshall are working on a fun program for the skatepark so stay tuned.  Also, the new lights are supposed to be in before the grand opening.
Did they ever work out the design for Roxhill, or is it the same thing we saw previously?