There will be six new skateparks in Seattle by this time next year.
Newsflash!  There are six skatepark projects currently in development in Seattle! Holy crap!
Roxhill skatespot (West Seattle – link): the fourth and final public meeting is this coming Monday the 14th, from 6-7pm at the Southwest Library (9010 35th Ave SW), which you should attend because the design process thus far has been problematic and has not provided anyone with a clear picture of what exactly will be built.
Jefferson Skatepark (Beacon Hill – link): the park should be open in the first part of December and confirmed that it will have LIGHTS!!! It is unclear on how late the lights would be on but fingers crossed it is until at least 10:30 or 11pm.
Hubbard Homestead Skatepark (just north of Northgate Mall – link): design is complete and contractor selection should be occurring any day.
Judkins Skatepark (link): design is final and contractor selection should be occurring soon.
Crown Hill Mini Ramp (Crown Hill: link): Â The miniramp and adjacent small bank/rail, ledge and perimeter rocks are fully installed and OPEN FOR SKATING. Â Grindline did their usually incredible cement work and the miniramp tranny and coping is perfect.
Kirke Park Skatedot (7028 9th Avenue NW – link): Â The design is complete and construction should be starting soon.
What a boon! Sure the “kids” cant wait. Probably some very grown up kids who are raring to skate these new parks as well. Lol
The edmonds, bothell, mt lake terrace, and lynnwood area is in need of some real concrete. Doesn’t have to be anything special but all of us have to drive 20 or 30 min if we want to skate something real