Lower Woodland appeal: DENIED
Score one for sanity.
The woman who has been selfishly stalling the Lower Woodland skatepark, to the tune of over $200K public tax dollars wasted on rising construction costs and procedural delays, was denied her appeal in King County superior court today.
She has 30 days to appeal this decision, although she must post a large bond in order to do so.
The down side is that she has effectively reduced the scope of the skatepark with her stalling tactics by keeping the city at bay while concrete and steel prices go through the roof.
To say that the system that allows individuals to waste gross amounts of public resources to further their own agenda…is broken…would be an understatement.
it was 17,000 square feet- now what size is it at?
It’s difficult to gauge the effect of this on the size of the park. Seattle Parks tells us there was actually extra money in the budget, so we are OK with moving forward on the existing design. However, there was also talk about using that money for amenities and other improvements.
But putting this into perspective, $200K could build a smaller skatepark in another neighborhood.