Current Seattle skatepark system totals 82,700 sq. ft

Scott has updated his handy overview of the Seattle Skatepark system over at his Parents For Skateparks website.  People have been asking for something like this on this site for ages, so in lieu of having one place to find everything, go there and check it out.

As of 10/16/2011, the total taxpayer cost (not including River City, Marginal or Inner Space) of the Seattle skatepark system AS-BUILT is $5,572,000.  The total square footage of the system (including all skateparks, public and private) is 82,700.  The total cost per square foot  is $67.38.  For more details, please visit our Skateparks page:

One Reply to “Current Seattle skatepark system totals 82,700 sq. ft”

  1. Thanks Matt! As we wrap up Seattle Skatepark Summer 2011 and move into the fall, I am continuing to receive frequent updates from Parks and will be making tweaks to this page as project information becomes available. Also, stay tuned for our new Solar page!

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